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Life Events: Losing a Loved One

Life happens. Will you be ready?
Throughout your investing life, you're going to experience life events — some planned, some not — that will affect your finances.
We're here to help you prepare for those critical times of financial change.

Losing a loved one

The last thing anyone wants to prepare for is the loss of a loved one. But there are important decisions to make, and planning ahead can help make this time a little less stressful.
Keep in mind:
Gather important financial documents
Notify institutions responsible for payments and assets
Set a budget for the funeral, if it was not preplanned
Consider the executor

Preferred Rewards

Preferred Rewards lets you enjoy real benefits and rewards on your Merrill investment and Bank of America® banking accounts. And as your balances grow, so do your benefits.

What to know when a loved one passes

Learn what's involved in settling the estate, particularly bills, taxes and other outstanding debts.

If your spouse dies without a will

What to consider when your spouse dies without a will or trust to bequeath.
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